10 easy ways you could show love to your community
Happy Valentine’s Day! “Hey, Charlene,” I hear you say. “Individual actions like the ones listed below don’t seem aligned with Inspiring Communities’ systems change […]
Happy Valentine’s Day! “Hey, Charlene,” I hear you say. “Individual actions like the ones listed below don’t seem aligned with Inspiring Communities’ systems change […]
When we try to decolonize, to shift and change the systems we live by, we are trying to take that nugget and strip away the processing. We want to rebuild it into a chicken: a whole, living, dynamic thing, an organic part of our world, a thing with inherent dignity.
Modeling social innovation leadership One of the key learnings from the WeavEast evaluation so far is the emergence of the wicked question around how […]
I have come to appreciate starlings for many reasons. They are scrappy, they have beautiful iridescent feathers, and I once saw one steal a french fry from a tourist down on the Halifax waterfront. On top of these amazing qualities, it is their murmurations that inspire me the most.
Inspiring Communities and its nested initiatives (three collective impact community sites) use a developmental evaluation approach to reflect upon achievements and learnings in real time to help with course adjustments as needed and evolution of planned activities. In October, a Developmental Evaluation report, called a DE Brief, was produced and shared with government partners. While the full 10 page document is chock full of reflection and learnings important to the work of Inspiring Communities, we’d like to pull out just a few highlights and share the summary of impacts identified for the period of July through September 2020.
What kind of changemaker are you?
A Reflection by Annika Voltan, Executive Director of Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia About a week into our collective social isolation journey I […]
Midway Reflections on the Narrative Project by Susan Szpakowski, Orchestrator of How We THRIVE “A people are as healthy and confident as the stories they […]
A reflection by Cari Patterson, Director of Evaluation and Research Inspiring Communities works in a complex environment. Ultimately we are building toward a culture […]