Innovating for Impact |2 Innover pour Impacter
Our journey to build capacity in the settlement sector in Atlantic Canada
Innovating for Impact (I2) Project aimed to improve the capacity of people working in Francophone and Anglophone IRCC-funded agencies to conduct Social Research & Design through a participative, experiential learning approach to foster a sense of belonging among newcomers.
A multi-year partnership between Inspiring Communities and ARAISA, this project comprises a unique training program, which follows social lab and design-thinking approaches. It brings Francophone and Anglophone IRCC-funded organizations together to learn how to build capacity and evidence in Social R&D for belonging. The result will be unique community-developed tools for delivering services that improve a sense of belonging among immigrants and newcomers they work with.
This program has been designed by ARAISA – the umbrella group for organizations providing immigrant settlement services in Atlantic Canada – and Inspiring Communities – the social innovation and evaluation hub in Atlantic Canada.
June 2023: The partnership is dissolved.
March 2023: Development of knowledge mobilization toolkit
March 16-18, 2023: I2 presents at the Metropolis Conference in Ottawa.
February 13, 2023: I2 – Making an Impact with ARAISA on our blog

January 2023: Contributed to Pathways to Prosperity 2023 Virtual Workshop Series