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Our Vision For The Future
“The Digby Area is a place where youth belong and are valued. Youth have the opportunity to lead and participate meaningfully within this growing community in employment, leadership and decision-making roles.”
The Need for Change
- One third of residents (15 +) do not have a high school certificate, diploma or degree; youth are concerned about being prepared for life after high school
- Two-thirds (66%) of youth and young adults (15-29) are worried about limited options for suitable employment in the area
- Almost half (45%) of youth and young adults find the area lacks activities for youth, and safe, youth-friendly spaces
- Both youth and service providers find the area lacks youth-friendly services and supports in areas such as mental health, shelter, and food security
Research and Analysis
- Youth Voices – Community Survey: 229 youth under 30
- Census Data for the Digby area
- Lunch and Learn Report and Feedback
- Youth Connection Team input
- Group Discussions with High School students
In Collaboration with
Digby SchoolsPlus, Nova Scotia Works, Rural Truth Matters, NSCC Digby Learning Centre, Digby Area Recreation Commission, Department of Community Services, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education, and youth and young adults from the Digby Area.
Key Priorities for Action
Improve the overall level of education and preparation for future employment or further education
- Increase the high school graduation rates
- Help young people feel more prepared for life after high school(i.e. employment and financial readiness)
- Increase awareness of and create opportunities for alternative ways of learning
Improve employment options by creating education and training opportunities
- Increase awareness of employment options (existing and potential) in the area
- Create supports to enable youth to become viable entrepreneurs and innovators
Supports and Services
Work with service providers to make services and supports more youth friendly
- Increase awareness of services and how to access services
- Identify and address factors that make it challenging for youth to access needed services
Activities and Spaces
Improve access to youth-friendly spaces in the area
- Increase activities and spaces for youth; increase awareness of activities for youth
- Reduce barriers (i.e. transportation) to accessing youth activities and spaces
Contact information:
Morgan Dunn, Communities Building Youth Futures Coordinator, at
For more information visit:
Find us on:
Facebook @inspiringcommunitiesdigby
Instagram @turningthetide
Our organization recognizes the support of Tamarack Institute and the Government of Canada.