Kayla Steele is a Changemaker

Interview provided by Northside Rising, an Inspiring Communities nested initiative.
Tell me a little bit about yourself
I’m Kayla Steele. I’m 29 and I have two daughters. My eldest turned 9 on the 19th! My baby is three on the 30th. I love being a momma. They are fun and wild. I enjoy doodling, painting things, and making any type of craft with my kids. When I was younger, my Poppy used to cut wood, and then I would decorate it. I loved sharing those moments.
I love being outdoors, the sunset, going swimming and the summer! I can’t wait to see the baby in the water this year.
How did you hear about this program? What drew you to applying?
I heard about this program through Megan (Northside Rising staff) and I wanted to apply because I wanted to see what it was all about. I was looking for ways to help out in my community and this seemed like a great fit.
What do you love about the Northside? What makes it special?
I grew up here, this is my home. All my family is here, all my support.
When you think of the word Changemaker, does anyone you know come to mind?
People who want to change the community and make it better for everyone. Just someone wants to stay here and make things better.
For instance; Lawrence Shebib is a changemaker, I’m a changemaker! Anyone who can see the change and are passionate about helping the community
What are your hopes for the Northside? Why is that hope important to you/ the community?
I hope they will start to have more opportunities here soon, more things for children. It really bothers me that there is nowhere to take your kids. The parks that are here are not maintained and are dangerous. We need swings and slides and pretty parks for the kids to access.

Rapid Fire Questions
(Adapted from Brene Brown Rapid Fire Questions)
Fill in the blank: Vulnerability is _______________
Somebody who is hurting and willing to share it.
You’re called to do something brave, but your fear is real and stuck in your throat. What’s the first thing you do?
Breath And try to get over it. Try and overcome it.
What is something that people often get wrong about you?
They think I’m kinda snotty but it’s just the way my eyes are. I’m just looking around!!!!
What’s the last show that you binged and loved?
I used to watch the Walking Dead- and Grey’s Anatomy. I really like crime shows- CSI, Criminal Minds…stuff like that.
Give us a film you really love?
The Titanic
What’s your favourite meal?
Cheese spaghetti- my grandmother’s grandmother used to make it- It’s spaghetti, with cheese and pork chops!! It’s so good.
What’s on your nightstand right now?
An old cassette player! It plays tapes-I’m listening to a jazz tape!
Give us a snapshot of an ordinary moment in your life that brings you great joy?
My kids are my life. I was going down a really bad path–my kids saved my life. Without them I wouldn’t be here today.
What is the one thing you’re deeply grateful for right now?
My children and my grandma
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