Noted: March 5, 2021

Nova Scotia Network For Social Change’s Fashan In the News
The Last Taboo: Black women talk about abuse and violence
Shelley Fashan is the Community Impact Coordinator with NS Gov Lab and Inspiring Communities who leads the NSN4SC. This week, she popped up on the Halifax Examiner:
Fashan, along with Starr Downey, Nadine Paris, Denise Allen, Deanna Sparkes, and Tara Taylor, are part of a non-profit called The Descendants of African American EnSlaved Living in Nova Scotia. Together, they’re working on a project called The Last Taboo, which is addressing the violence and abuse of women against Black women in Nova Scotia (this project is funded by a Standing Together grant).
From Twitter: Sound media relations advice
Trying to get media attention for your cause / event / charity? This is sound advice:
Sarah White @sarahwhitehfx ·Mar 4
“Honestly, I do a lot of media relations and you are much more likely these days to make the news by gaining ground on social first. A Halifax Noise post is often more valuable than 2 mins on the news. It’s kind of wild. The more you can amplify what you’ve written, the better.”

COVID news
Although we are all beset on all sides by COVID news daily it is worth lifting up that the latest reports show that all adult Nova Scotians and Prince Edward Islanders will be vaccinated by the end of June:
Nova Scotia says everyone to receive 1st vaccine dose by end of June, COVID restrictions eased
COVID-19 Vaccines and Immunization Phased Approach
While New Brunswick is finding its stride in the vaccine rollout, the supply is coming:
As more vaccine doses arrive, questions turn to province’s progress on rollout
Newfoundland is still predicting all adult vaccinations to take place by the end of September.
Priority Groups – COVID-19 Vaccine
Changemakers recognized in ROB
Changemakers: Canada faces serious challenges, but these leaders show that solutions are possible
Some of the changemakers in this list are solidly operating in the social innovation field, and are actively and directly addressing the issues of conscious and unconscious bias. Look especially for Thomas Benjoe, a member of the Muscowpetung First Nation who is building indigenous wealth and Bobbie Racette, a Cree-Metis woman and a member of the queer community who has developed a talent marketplace for freelancers and virtual assistants.
Also notable: serious sci-fi vibes from personal aircraft, on demand public transit and replicated food. It’s the future!
Need Project Management Skills?
The Project Management Institute has announced that it is offering a free toolkit / training resource for changemakers called KICKOFF.
Go straight to the source:
Kickoff: Free Project Management Course & Tool Kit
Congratulations to Social Innovation Organizations Receiving Grants
Congratulations to these organizations who have had their work with youth recognized through this grant program!
Atlantic organizations receiving Ted Rogers Community grants this year include:
- Brilliant Labs – across New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador – $15,000
- Boys and Girls Club of Moncton – Moncton, New Brunswick – $20,000
- Teen Resource Centre – Saint John, New Brunswick – $10,000
- Phoenix Youth Programs – Halifax, Nova Scotia – $10,000
- Heartwood Centre for Community Youth Development – Halifax, Nova Scotia – $10,000
- Thrive CYN – St. John’s, Newfoundland – $10,000
- Community Youth Network – Corner Brook and Bay of Islands, Newfoundland – $10,000
File under “I didn’t know that was a thing, but now I’m intrigued”
There is a field of study called “applied cultural economics”. Fascinating.
Stressed health systems spell trouble for mental health and seniors care
The challenges facing long term care run through our region and across the country, and in some ways mirror the issues with the mental health system: there are insufficient resources and too much demand. This is one of the social challenges that our initiatives face at the community level every day.
New Brunswick may be currently under the microscope:
New Brunswick’s auditor general warns of crisis in nursing home sector
Health Minister Seeks Review After Fredericton Teen’s Suicide
But each province knows this challenge. Nova Scotia remembers well last year’s experience with Northwood. And this is from 2017… and still fairly applicable.
The quiet crisis of mental health care in Nova Scotia
Recently our correspondent from Digby, Shawna Cromwell, submitted a blog post about the mental health system. ICYMI!
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Photo of Shelley Fashan is from the Halifax Examiner.
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