Exploring Hope and Agency on the Northside
“For positive change to happen, people must have hope that a better future is possible.”
Over a two-year period beginning in 2019, Northside Rising has supported a team of researchers to explore the state of hope, agency and trust on the Northside. The overall aim of this research project, called Invictus, was to explore the factors contributing to personal and community resilience on the Northside.
Our wish is that this information will form the basis of ongoing community discussions. Therefore we will present our findings in a format to facilitate that goal. Watch this space for updates over the next few months as we add an overview of the research project, and then themes and resources for community use.
The Invictus project was proposed and led by Dr. Ed Michalik, based on his research on cultural factors shaping community life in Cape Breton. Dr. Michalik worked with a research team, comprising other researchers, community volunteers and Northside Rising staff.
The name Invictus comes from a poem by William Ernest Henley in which he explores the will to persevere in the face of fundamental challenges. Click here to read the poem and here to hear Morgan Freeman read it.

Community Panel responses to initial results. Graphic Facilitator: Megan MacLeod